Ocean House 289 Shirland Rd London W9 3JW
Please find below documents in relation to my application to purchase the strip of land of which I share right of way with EDF Energy.
Letter from COW confirming my right of way
Deeds confirming right of way.
Land Registry Plan
The area shaded Blue is used as access to the basements of the following properties:
* Grocery shop on the corner of Fernhead rd and Shirland rd
* The launderette next door (Shirland Rd)
* The basement flat of 77 Fernhead Rd
The property outlined in Black is Ocean House.
The area outlined in Red (and not shaded) is the driveway leading to Ocean House.
The area shaded Blue is used as access to the basements of the following properties:
* Grocery shop on the corner of Fernhead rd and Shirland rd
* The launderette next door (Shirland Rd)
* The basement flat of 77 Fernhead Rd
The property outlined in Black is Ocean House.
The area outlined in Red (and not shaded) is the driveway leading to Ocean House.
Charges Register
This document shows the right of way includes by foot and motor vehicle.
This document shows the right of way includes by foot and motor vehicle.
Letter confirming planning permission of Ocean House
My Plan Drawing (Existing and Proposed)
The proposed drawing shows the 18.3sqm of land that I do not own that I would like to develop.
Available as a PDF also below.
Available as a PDF also below.